Snowy Plover Crossing
Date: 10/21/2012
Why did the Snowy Plover cross the road? To find a place to hide. At Cheyenne Bottoms a few family groups have been seen foraging along the gravel roadways, especially near the outhouse. Adults can fly to safety; however, downy chicks must run for dear life. While slowly passing the Snowy Plovers, I saw two unfortunate chicks that had not made it to the other side. So, please remember to drive with care.
In Kansas, Snowy Plovers are a threatened species and protected by the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act. According to the KDWPT’s Recovery Plan, “known breeding sites of the Snowy Plover in Kansas are limited to two public wetlands in the central part of the state, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge and Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area.” Visit the Snowy Plover species information page to learn more about its natural history and conservation.